
Date 1874-08-15
Publication Academy
Topic Dore Gallery
AP display
RA display
Subject art
Keywords achievement
  ↳ excellence
  ↳ success
Standards PRB aesthetic standards
Notes "Over-prolific French master"

Annotation details

74 August 15 Academy


Dore gallery.


Rossetti, William M. "The Dore Gallery." Academy (August 15, 1874): 191. Web. 21 Sept. 2011.


Rossetti divides his commentary in this brief notice between Dore and the pictures in the Dore Gallery. Qualitative and quantitative analyses of both comprise the bulk of the review, done in typical Rossetti style: examination of the picture, the story behind it, then an analysis of how the picture accomplishes the storytelling effectively and, in this case, beyond the norm. Dore is described as "the over-prolific French genius," and Rossetti considers three works from the exhibition.

The review closes on a negative note regarding one Dore work, Midsummer Night's Dream, which includes a component[1] of Sir Edwin Landseer's Titania and Bottom.Dore's Dream, according to Rossetti, is "pure rubbish" that "ought not to have been painted, much less exhibited."




"over prolific French genius", "facile and effective;"

Standards of Judgment:

the norms of effective aesthetic conveyance of a story through pictures; the use of color and posing


Herod, Wiertz Museum, Sir Edwin Landseer



Writing technique/tone:

concise, descriptive


"This painting, considered from an executive point of view, can only be regarded as a facile and effective sketch;" "This slovenly sketch ought not to have been painted, much less exhibited."