
Date 1877-04-07
Publication Academy
Topic Continental Exhibition
AP display
RA display
Subject art
Keywords Continental
  ↳ Fortuny school
Standards PRB aesthetic standards
Notes Fortuny school "must always be distasteful . . ."

Annotation details

77 April 7 Academy


The Continental Exhibition.


Rossetti, William M. "The Continental Exhibition." Academy (April 7, 1877): 304. Web. 21 Sept. 2011.


Though the name "French Gallery" still clings to the Pall Mall location, over half of the paintings, according to Rossetti, are by other than French artists. Nonetheless, Rossetti finds "plenty to enjoy" and some to admire, making the task of the critic easier.

Rossetti remarks on the "Fortuny School," commenting on the strengths and the innovations in color and portrayal, but ultimately concluding that it "must always be distasteful to eyes which have been trained into a different standard of pictorial art."

Rossetti offers both qualitative and quantitative commentary regarding the paintings' schemes and execution as well as general effect for most of the reviewed works, with a small paragraph of simple mentions at the end.




Continental, Fortuny school

Standards of Judgment:

Pre-Raphaelite aesthetic standards

Rhetoric and tone:

evaluative, polemical


Breton, Fortuny, Domingo, Knaus, Gerome