
Date 1877-01-06
Publication Academy
Topic The Water-Colour Institute
AP display
RA display
Subject art
Keywords water-colour
  ↳ figures
  ↳ landscapes
Standards PRB aesthetic standards
Notes WMR explains intellectual-dramatic link vs. Linton.

Annotation details

77 January 6 Academy


The Watercolor Institute.


Rossetti, William M. "The Water-Colour Institute." Academy (January 6, 1877): 17. Web. 21 Sept. 2011.


Rossetti positions the exhibition among the many going on at the time, saying it has "no production of singular pre-eminence" to "divide it from the herd," as well as a fairly low average of achievement artistically. But at the same time, he finds some acceptable, appropriate work associated with names that often fill his reviews favorably: Linton, Hubert von Herkomer, Gregory and Gilbert.

He discusses the foundational shortcomings in Linton's work, offering a view of Rossetti's conception of how image and effect should interrelate. Using Linton composition as an example, Rossetti states, "for the purposes of art . . . we ought to be able to form some opinion, from the aspect and action of the personages, as to why they are brought into such immediate contact, and we find in Mr. Linton's picture nothing to account for this-no intellectual or dramatic connecting link."

Besides examining Linton's design, execution and effect, he compares Linton's old and new works. He does the same but on a more limited scale with Hubert von Herkomer and Gregory, then examines "Figure-Pieces" as a category in lesser detail.

He compliments Gregory, noting "the merit here is in the strong, decisive, forthright drawing of all things, from a handsome face to a showy window-curtain, and in general force of execution and of chiaroscuro."

There is a dense section of "mentions" with little discussion, comprising mostly the landscapes.




water-colour, technique, design, execution

Standards of Judgment:

Pre-Raphaelite aesthetic standards

Rhetoric and tone:



Linton, Hubert von Herkomer, Gregory, Gilbert; Dore