
Date 1909-06-01
Publication Bookman
Topic WMR memorializes Swinburne
AP display
RA display
Subject literature
Keywords Swinburne memorialized
Standards personal remembrance
  ↳ 50 years
Notes One of 12 critics memorializing Swinburne.

Annotation details

1909 June Bookman


Rossetti's contribution to the group essay memorializing Swinburne.


Rossetti, William M. "Swinburne." The Bookman 33.213 (1908): 126. Web. 21 Sept. 2011.


One sentence sums up Rossetti's estimation of Swinburne and also comprises an apt summary of Swinburne as a poet: "In thought Swinburne was naturally a rebel, an insurgent, disdainful of conventions and compromises; but his disdain of these was balanced by an enthusiastic affection and reverence for what he acknowledged as noble and exalted." Rossetti praises Swinburne's masterful lyricism and intensity in verse.

He provides a brief sketch of Swinburne's activist years and his quieter later years, claiming the close personal relationship of over fifty years, a fact confided in him after Swinburne's death by George Frederick Watts, which Rossetti acknowledged saying "I felt sure of it beforehand" (Letters 666).

Rossetti urges some creditable biographer to take on the worthy task of writing a biography of Swinburne.


epideictic, historian


memorializing, noting, honoring

Standards of Judgment:

history, achievement

Rhetoric and tone:

epideictic, encomium





Works Cited

Rossetti, William Michael. Selected Letters of William Michael Rossetti. Ed. Roger Peattie. University Park: Pennsylvania State UP, 1990. Print.